About up9rade:

A variety of computer science/maching learning, personal hobbies, career experience, across with learning to learn.

Thoughts only on my own.

With regards to the CS domain,

  • Will implement something from scratch, aka write a multilayer network from implementing matrix operation.
  • Will not post until could supply with my own explanation or intuition.
  • Link cross domain knowledge, reconnect isolated islands, just like the neurons connect with each other, to have a deeper understanding by asking what is what.

A cheerful journey with findings beyond textbooks.

双语博客,关于计算机,工作经历以及个人兴趣。Learning to learn,中心是关于学习的学习。




文章末尾会有一个状态标注 [post status],分别为:

  • started
  • in progress

基于这样的方式,git 比较适合自己。

免责声明: 所有内容不针对任何公司,不针对任何个人和第三方,不进行任何推广营销,仅仅是个人思路的整理。所有的内容都有可能经过前后的修改处理,不保证其延续性、一致性、正确性和可操作性。所有内容都不包含有指向性,不应被视作定性或者定量的表达。所有内容都不具备可操作性上的确认。

权利声明: 未经许可,不得转载。